i wanted to make myself a few new cabinets for my 21 inch woofers yes 21 inch 1000 watts cont. and approx 2500 peak.
i been looking alot on internet for a proper design but al i could find were bogus sites that wanted to sell stuff to me.
i wanted to do this myself cos its fun and also to save m a few on budget ( im from holland by the way) we do keep a tight budget haha.
going through some old boxes i find a almost fallen apart book about speakers and cabinets from around 1950 or so at first i thought a nice antique and had a laugh about their top of the bill 80 watts 12 inch speakers ,had some of those when i was young and they are really crap
bau later i looked at it like " OLD TIME BOOK ,CRAPPY SPEAKER THUS GOOD DESIGN CABINETS " and gave it a try.
so have a look at the scans from that book and hopefully you start making you own instant earthquake speaker
cos that how mine turned out to be.
by the way the book itself is in dutch but that should not be a problem cos the picture speaks for itself
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the sizes recalculated for a 21 inch speaker and the rough guide to get it all out of 1220 x 2440 x 18 mm mdf in my case but i think thick size multiplex will do also.
for connecting the walls i put a 2x2 cm pieces of wood to put the screws through and close all the gaps with silicone.
now for some reality ...
awesome work lol